The multifunctional Center Park


Constructed in 2021, the Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon Multifunctional Center aims to meet the needs of youth, families, and seniors while enhancing the quality of life in the region. It was only natural that its outdoor landscaping contribute to and enhance this purpose.

Our proposal for the landscaping was intended to be highly organic, complementing the linearity of the building. Ultimately, we aimed for the structure to be situated within an inclusive environment, integrated into a wooded area, and perhaps even within a food forest that could benefit the citizens and users of the center.

In order to make the outdoor environment as multifunctional as the center itself, petanque courts as well as exercise and play areas are located on the periphery of the building. For younger visitors, our team initially proposed wooden structures inspiring free play and discovery, in addition to integrating a "natural" mound into the site's topography for climbing and sliding. Older individuals can enjoy an outdoor exercise area along the edge of the proposed active trail, bordered by a ditch landscaped with indigenous plants. All can take advantage of a rest area characterized by tree cover and urban furniture.