The Hill Park

Côte-des-Neiges - Notre-Dame-Grâce, Montréal

Located in the Côte-des-Neiges - Notre-Dame-de-Grâce neighbourhood, Hill Park is a residential building located on a bustling street in Montreal. The owners wished to enhance the building's facade with a distinctive landscaping feature. With this goal in mind, and considering the available space, Opaysage suggested the planting of low-maintenance vegetation and the installation of permeable paving to enhance not only the aesthetic of the building's entrance but also its ecological value.

Furthermore, we suggested integrating urban art to distinguish the building, suggesting a mural on the stone wall leading to the garage. AShop was commissioned to create this artwork, which adds vitality and modernity to the building, while also elevating Hill Park to the ranks of esteemed contributors to public art in the vibrant city of Montreal.